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Join us tomorrow at 2 CT for this free event.
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Join us December 12th at 2 PM CT for this Facebook Live event!

Ah, Pinterest 📌 - always keeping us on our toes! 

This year saw so many amazing new features and changes, it's sometimes hard to keep up! Alisa Meredith, Content Marketing Manager at Tailwind and Kate Ahl of Simple Pin Media will cover the big ones and let you know which ones you really need to take advantage of if you want to up your game in 2018. 💪

Put it on your calendar and bring your questions!
The event will be streamed on Facebook Live. To join the live stream, simply go to this post at the time of the event. 
RSVP To Receive a Reminder!

P. S. If you can't join us live, don't worry! You can watch the replay on our Facebook page or on our YouTube channel :) 
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