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Hi bajukorporatmuslimahyahooo,

I'm Anne from, and I wanted to congratulate you on your first month building your site with us. It's our goal to continue helping you grow your audience and spread your message.

That's why we want to celebrate your site's one-month birthday by offering you an opportunity to upgrade to our Personal plan so you can claim a unique web address (we call it a custom domain name) for your site.

With Personal, you can expect access to valuable features like:

  • A custom domain name to help more visitors find and remember your site.
  • Access to email and live chat support.
  • 6 GB of storage space for images, documents, and audio.
  • Removal of ads on your site.

To get instant access to these features and more (for just $4.00 per month, billed yearly), click the button below.

Upgrade My Site

We hope to hear from you soon,

Anne F.,

P.S. If you're looking to grow your audience and further customize your site, upgrading to Personal is the best next step (and you'll only need to invest $4.00 a month). Click the button above and we'll see you inside!

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