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Want to know what really works on Pinterest today? This is for you! 

6 Simple Steps to a Killer Pinterest Strategy

Building a Pinterest Marketing Strategy in
6 EASY Steps!

If you're just getting started on Pinterest, or you're wondering what really works on Pinterest today — this is for you! Pinterest is a traffic powerhouse, and it's pretty simple to succeed when stripped down to basics. 

That's what this week's post is all about — building a Pinterest marketing strategy in 6 easy steps. 

Included is a video discussion between Alisa Meredith and Jeff Sieh — featuring great questions and suggestions from the audience. Don't miss it!

What We're Reading

5 Tools for Pinterest that will Boost Your Blog Traffic -
Our friends at Easil share 5 tools that have helped to grow the Easil blog by 15x over 18 months. Nice! 


How We Grew Our RV Travel Blog to $5K a Month in One Year -
Growing a blog while hiking around the country? Sounds like a dream, but Todd and Julie made it a reality. Find out how.


200+ Tailwind Tribes That Will Explode Your Blog Traffic-
"The secret behind my traffic going from 50 views per day to 200 is a combination of Tailwind and Pinterest." Intrigued? Us, too!

If you have any questions, comments, or just want to make my day and say "hi", simply reply to this email.

Happy Pinning :)
- Melissa at Tailwind

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