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👋Hi there!

We have a quick ask (and an explanation if you want it below*). 

Click here if you want to keep getting our Facebook Live announcement emails.
🛑If you don't click, we won't send you messages about Facebook Lives anymore. 🛑

Easy Peasy! 
I want to get Facebook Live Announcements!

That's it! Thanks!

The Explanation Part*
  • If you don't click the button, you'll no longer get emails about our Facebook Lives.
  • If you do click the button, you will continue to get emails about our Facebook Lives. 

Every so often we like to check in to make sure YOU are happy with the emails you get from Tailwind. :) 

We don't want to annoy anyone with over-messaging, so we're asking for a re-opt-in. 

Thanks for your interest in us! 🤩
As always, we love to hear from you! Hit reply if you have a question or feedback!


Susan -- for Tailwind.

To make sure you keep getting these emails, please add to your address book or whitelist us. Want out of the loop? Unsubscribe.

111 Harrison Ave, Oklahoma City, OK 73104

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