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📹 Join us Thursday June 10th, at 2 PM ET / 1 PM CT


Lights, Camera, Action - Pinterest Video Creation!

Did you know that organic views of video Pins are up 240% compared to last year?!?! If you've hesitated to try them because the very idea seems a little intimidating, you do not want to miss this show!!

Jeff Sieh has graciously agreed (no arm twisting required!!)  to walk us through how to create some truly eye-catching videos live on air. Come on by and watch - I know I can't wait to see how easy it can be!

And if you'd like your own VIDEO Pin reviewed live on air, please send it on in now!

Join in on Thursday, June 10 at 2pm ET / 1pm CT as Jeff Sieh and I make your Pinterest life easier and as always, take your burning Pinterest questions. 

See you there!

- Alisa


P.S. - If you can't join us live, don't worry! You can watch the replay on our Facebook page or on our YouTube channel :) 

To make sure you keep getting these emails, please add to your address book or whitelist us. Want out of the loop? Unsubscribe.

111 Harrison Ave, Oklahoma City, OK 73104

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