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Lucy Matthews from Pinterest joins us to talk about all the things you need to know to be successful...

There's a LOT happening on Pinterest right now...📌

Pinning best practices have changed. Do you know what the changes are? Have you made those crucial adjustments?

If not, that's okay! We've got all the info you need - STRAIGHT from our friends at Pinterest!


Join us for a Facebook Live with Lucy Matthews, Partnerships Manager at Pinterest, about the latest in Pinterest best practices, including what they're seeing working RIGHT NOW in terms of creatives.

Thursday, June 25th at 1pm CT / 2pm ET.
Remind me on Facebook! >>

HINT: You're going to need a bunch of fresh, new content for Pinterest. Sound like a time-suck? We can help with that.

Every other Wednesday, join us for a Pinterest GetTOGETHER where we talk all things Pinterest, Tailwind, and ESPECIALLY whatever is on your mind regarding Pinterest marketing.

Get feedback on your Pins, your website, anything you need! It's a fun, casual gathering. Stop on by! ❤️

Our next Pinterest GetTOGETHER will be
Wednesday, July 1st, 2pm CT / 3pm ET.
Reserve my spot! >>

New, fresh content is the name of the game when it comes to Pinterest success in 2020. Do you have the tools in your back pocket to make it happen? 🧰

Grab the Perfect Pinterest Pins Toolkit and you'll get brand new Pin templates sent to you EVERY MONTH. All you have to do is add your branding in Canva!
Get my Toolkit! >>

Need a simple way to plan and organize your Pinterest content for 2020? This 12-month Pinterest planner will help you create the right content, add it to your Pinterest calendar,
and share it with ease.

Get the 2020 Planner >>

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