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Black Lives Matter.

The events of the past week have exposed a grim reality to the world - that racial injustice is still alive and well, and we all have work to do.

Tailwind is committed to doing that work, and not letting the calls for change fade away. We believe in Inclusion - that everyone is welcomed, regardless of what they look like, where they come from, who they love, or what they believe.

We unequivocally denounce racism and inequality and are committing to positive change as a company
for the long haul.

Below you'll find our company commitments to anti-racism, as well as resources curated by our team members for listening and learning.

We believe the journey to ending inequalities and racism begins with self-education. That's why our team members spent the majority of this past week exploring, learning, and compiling a massive list of resources to begin that educational journey.

Whether you prefer to learn from books, movies, or listening to podcasts, you'll find plenty of recommendations on this list. You'll also find action steps, black businesses and Instagram accounts to learn from.

Get Anti-Racism Resources >>

Our Commitments to
Anti-Racism πŸ–€

We are committing to amplifying black voices. You can follow along with us on Instagram as we begin.

We are committing to providing space and mentorship for children of color in the tech industry.

We are committing to hiring more people of color and ensuring we have a supportive environment for them.

We are committing to educating ourselves on anti-racist practices and have created an #anti-racism Slack channel to collect resources, hold workshops, and have honest discussions. We're also seeking out experts we can engage to help us.

We are committing to building a product that helps our members take a stand. As a response to being muted for the week in order to amplify black voices and resources, we added a pause button to our Instagram dash for participating members.

We've also offered our team members an amount to donate to an organization that truly speaks to them. Our CEO will march the total amount donated to one of the chosen organizations.

To make sure you keep getting these emails, please add to your address book or whitelist us. Want out of the loop? Unsubscribe.

111 Harrison Ave, Oklahoma City, OK 73104

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